Synthetic Lime

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Synthetic Lime

Generally, high-quality calcium hydroxide is manufactured by 97% purity in multi purification process of washing, crushing and hydration reaction after plasticity. It is mainly used for functional fabric production, coagulant and antioxidant. We have developed, produced and sold high value added synthetic lime, combining calcium chloride (CaCl₂) with caustic soda (NaOH). The purity is more than 99% and it can be used for various applications such as pharmaceuticals, calcium supplement, antioxidant, coagulants, injection medicines, and functional fiber that require high functionality as well as general use, replacing the existing imported products with domestic products.

Product Properties

  • - Molecular Formula : Ca(OH)₂
  • - Purity : 99% or more
  • - Appearance : White Powder
  • - Elemental Weight : 74/㎤
  • - Specific Gravity : 2.24
  • - Particle Size : 170 ~ 325 Mesh
  • - Solubility : 1.85g Ca(OH)₂/L(0℃)
    1.28g Ca(OH)₂/L(50℃)
    0.71g Ca(OH)₂/L(100℃)


    1) Usage of general products
  • - Waste water treatment (CaO 70%, 68%, 100Mesh) - Wastewater treatment, neutralization of acidic river
  • - Food manufacturing(CaO 72.5%, 200Mesh) - Food solidifying agent (solidification)
  • - Industrial use (CaO 70%, 100Mesh) - Neutralization of waste liquid, coagulative precipitation of heavy metals
  • - For incineration flue gas treatment (Cao 72%, 200Mesh / 325Mesh) - Suppression of discharging dust, sulfur and nitrogen compounds
  • - For construction - Interior and exterior materials (hardenability, plasticity, whiteness)
    2) Special use of our products
  • - For the production of functional fiber - For textile of advanced technology
  • - For removing complex gas - for neutralizing agent to remove acid gas and dioxin simultaneously
  • - Non-corrosive chemical splitting agent - Contributing to the expansion mechanism of the chemical splitting agent
  • - Additives for pharmaceuticals - Calcium nitrate, calcium chloride, calcium phosphate and calcium ascorbate, convertible
  • - Additive for metal crystallization
  • - Environmental healing agent - Development for soft ground with high water content
  • - Soil stabilizer - Basic soil stabilizer for road pavement and residential land construction
  • - Water absorbent - Desiccant as a water trapping agent
  • - Gas absorbent - CO2, F, Cl remover
  • - Reaction catalyst and gelatin raw material
  • - Raw materials for pesticide and disinfectant

Specification and Packing Unit

· Specification

※ Scroll left / right to see information.
Purity MgO SiO Fe Mn Pb
99.0% ↑ 75.0% ↑ 0.01% max 50ppm max 10ppm max 10ppm max

· Packing Unit

  • - Solid : 25kg/1ton jumbo bag/Bulk
Samgwang Co., Ltd. (Chemical manufacturer and distributor)CEO: GwangSeop KimBusiness registration number: 610-81-50892TEL : +82-52-227-9680-1FAX : +82-52-268-9682
Headquarter/ plant: 83 Nam-gu Yongyeonro 248 (Hwangseong-dong) (Old address: 742-2 Hwangseong-dong Namgu Ulsan Metropolitan City)E-mail :
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